R e p e r t o i r e

A joyful noise


Ain't no mountain

All the time

All you need is love

Amazing Grace
Bless the Lord
Burdon Down
Calypso Carol
Clap your Hands and sing Hallelujah
Come into his presence
Come let us sing
Down to the River to pray
El Shaddai

Evening Rise

Every praise

Fairest Lord Jesus

For the rest of my life

Freedom is coming

Give thanks
Glorify Jesus
Glory and honor
Glory to god almighty
Go down, Mose
Go tell it on the mountain

Hail holy Queen

Hallelujah (Cohen)

He's got the whole world
Heavently love
Help me Lord
I call on your name
I don't know why

I will follow him

I will keep on singing


In the sanctuary
It's all about you
Jesus is the answer
Jesus is the rock
Joshua fight the battle of jericho
Joyful noise
Komm heiliger Geist
Kumba Yah
Lamb of God (Agnus Dei)
Let us stand

Long time ago

Lord of the dance

Lord hold me

Lord, Lord, Lord

May the lord bless you real good

May the Lord send angels

Mull of Kentyre

My Desire

My Promise

No rock to take my place
Nobody knows the trouble
O du fröhliche
O Happy Day

Oh when the saints

On Sunday morning

Open the eyes

Order my steps

Pata Pata

Plentry good room
Put your Hand
Rock my soul
Send your spirit
Shine your light
Shower of love

Sing and pray

Sing Hallelujah

Solan nzila
Somebody's knocking at your door

Soon and very soon

Still haven't found

Swing low

Thank you for the Music

The little light

The Lord just keep.... 

There is peace
This is the day
This little light of mine
This train
Through is all
Thy will be done
Time to celebrate
Wade in the water
We are marching
We can move mount.
We pray
What can i do thank you
When Israel was in Egypts' land

We shall overcome

You are holy

You'll never walk alone